We are here to help
For customers who have relationships with both CBA & NC
1. What will happen if I have two similar accounts at CBA and NC?
You can choose to maintain both accounts. Should you wish to close one and consolidate, we can do so at your request at no cost.
2. Will I have 2 relationship managers now?
No, we will recommend one relationship manager to handle your relationship to provide a seamless experience.
For customers who have relationships with either CBA & NC
1. Will my account number change?
No, you will retain your existing account number.
2. Will I have access to the same banking services as before?
Yes, you will have access to the same if not more services as you have been enjoying now.
3. Do I expect a change in my current tariff?
No, you will continue to enjoy your existing tariff.
4. Will I get instant credit for my CBA and NC cheques?
Yes, we will be operating as one bank and therefore all your payment instruments will be real time.
5. Can I still continue using my cheque book?
Yes, you can continue to use your current cheque book. Your new brand cheque book will be issued to you within 6 months after the merger; appropriate notices will be issued to you when they will be ready for collection.
6. When you migrate my cheque book/debit card to the new bank, will you charge me?
No, you will not be charged for any forced one-off migration.
7. Who should I refer account queries to?
Please refer to your existing Relationship Manager, Contact Centre on 0800222123/ 0800222123/+256 312188400 or your nearest branch. You can also reach us on email: contactug@ncbagroup.com
8. Which contacts (Tel and Email) and social media handles can I use for my queries?
You will be able to reach us through any of our existing social media handles and contacts.
For customers who have relationships with both CBA & NC
1. Can my CBA and NC accounts be located in one branch?
Yes, although we offer branchless banking which means that you can access our services from anywhere. Please submit a signed request through the contact center or your nearest branch should you wish to change it.
For customers who have relationships with either CBA & NC
1. Can I be served at any CBA or NC bank outlets?
Yes, you will have access to all the 5 CBA and NC bank service points.
2. Will both banks retain the current branch network and channels e.g. automated teller machines and cash deposit machines?
Yes, both banks will retain the current branch and channel network, we shall advice in case of any changes.
3. Will I enjoy the same banking hours that I have been enjoying?
Yes, banking hours will remain the same as per the current branch opening hours. Should there be any changes, we shall advise you appropriately.
4. Will there be a change in my mobile and internet banking experience?
We have put measures in place to ensure a seamless channel experience. You will be able to continue to access your channels as usual. You will however notice some exciting changes on the look and feel of the channels. Should there be any changes over time, we shall communicate this to you.
5. How do I register for mobile banking if I have not yet done so?
Ex-NC and Ex-CBA customers Please visit the nearest branch to fill an application form to enable set-up. You will receive login credentials on your registered mobile numbers.
6. How do I access mobile banking using a none internet enabled phone?
Our mobile banking services are available on USSD via short code *212# for ex-CBA customer, existing customers but new to the channel as well as New to bank. EX- NC staff use *268# for ex-NC customers.
7. What do I do if I forget my pin?
Ex-CBA customers, existing to Bank but New to channel and New to Bank Use the forgot pin functionality on your app to self-reset your pin. You are expected to accurately key-in your account details and answer the security questions you had set during registration. Ex-NC customers Request through a PIN reset form or online banking messaging, call contact centre for further support on 0800222123/ 0800222123/+256 312188400 for support.
8. Will I be able to access all my accounts?
Ex-CBA customers, Existing customers but new to Channel and New to Bank customers Other than the loan, Term deposit and foreign currency accounts all mapped accounts shall be accessible on mobile banking. Send request to contact centre for additional accounts. Ex-NC customers Other than the loan, Term deposit and foreign currency accounts all mapped accounts shall be accessible on mobile banking.
9. Are there any charges for the registration for mobile banking?
No. We do not charge any fees to on-board you on mobile banking. Charges shall only apply for transactions as per our approved tariff available on our website.
10. Will I have to amend the bank codes already attached to our beneficiaries on CBA Connect and ARCIB?
No, you do not need to immediately amend the bank codes already attached to maintained beneficiaries. However, please update them with the new Bank codes over the next 6 months.
11. Will the swift code change?
The new swift code will be CBAFUGKA
12. How will payments from CBA to NC and vice versa be handled?
Transfers will be treated as internal funds transfer within the same bank. You will therefore have immediate value on your transfers.
For customers who have relationships with both CBA & NC
1. I have two credit cards, can I consolidate my card limit and cancel one card?
Yes, you can consolidate your cards upon request. Your new limit will be subject to a credit appraisal process.
2. If I have two credit cards, will it be mandatory to return one?
At the point when we will be reissuing the new brand cards, you will only receive one card and return the two you will be holding. The Bank will reach out to you with more information on the terms of reissue.
For customers who have relationships with either CBA & NC
1. Will the current card benefits still apply?
Yes, as per your current terms and conditions.
2. Will my card have to be replaced with the new brand card?
Your current card will remain active; we shall advise you when your card will be replaced to a new brand card.
3. How can I reach the card center
Yes, you can reach us on any of the numbers below: 0800222123/ 0800222123/+256 312188400
4. Will the minimum payment due on credit cards change?
Your current credit card payment terms will operate under the same terms and conditions. In case of any future changes, we shall communicate the same to you.
5. Will the credit card fees change?
No, the charges will remain the same. Should there be any future changes, we shall advise you accordingly.
6. Will my card limit change?
Your card limit will remain the same. In case of any future changes, we shall communicate the same to you.
7. Will my credit card statement cycle change?
No, the cycle will be maintained until advised otherwise.
8. Will my credit card payment date change?
No, the payment date will remain the same until advised otherwise.
9. What do I need to do in case I lose my card?
Please contact us or visit your nearest branch immediately to have your card blocked and replaced.
10. Do I have to provide a travel advisory?
Yes, please notify us when you plan to use your card outside Uganda. Should this requirement change in the future, we shall update you.
11. If I forget my pin can I visit any branch for replacement or do so at the ATM?
You can continue to request for a re-PIN in the usual way or visit your branches for pin reset.
For customers who have relationships with both CBA & NC
1. I have separate credit facilities with both banks, will the loans be merged?
The loans shall continue to operate under their current terms and condition. Should you wish to amalgamate both loans into one for ease of management, we can make these arrangements.
2. I have separate credit facilities with both banks, how will my credit life insurance be handled?
Each credit life policy shall continue to run until expiry of each loan.
3. If I would like to amalgamate my loans, what should I do?
If you wish to amalgamate the loans, visit any branch or contact your Relationship Manager. You will be required to complete a form indicating the period you wish to pay the loan for. The period should not be more than that of the loan with the longest tenure.
4. Will the Credit Life policies be amalgamated together with the loans?
A new insurance policy will be taken out for the new amount/tenure with the agreed underwriter and any unutilized amount for the previous covers will be refunded back to you.
5. Can I take a top-up with the amalgamation of the loans?
Yes, you can. However, a fresh financial analysis will be conducted to ascertain your ability to service the new loan.
6. If I have secured facilities, can I consolidate them?
Yes, you can. However, a fresh financial analysis will be conducted and a decision made on the level of security required for the combined amount.
7. Can I consolidate my loans if they are of different types e.g. personal loan and mortgage?
No, the consolidation will only apply for similar types of loans. Any other requirement will require fresh financial analysis for consideration.
For customers who have relationships with either CBA & NC
1. Will my loan account number change?
No. Your loan number will remain the same.
2. What will happen to my interest rate on my existing loans?
The existing interest rate will prevail and any change will be notified to you with a 30-day notice.
3. Will my payment due date change?
No. Your payment due date will remain the same.
What is the campaign objective?
This is a campaign to drive repayments for loans. It is going to run for 8 weeks beginning on the 17th May 2021. This will however, not include outstanding loans on recycled lines.
Who Qualifies for the Loan Repayment Campaign?
Any customer who makes a loan repayment with in the 8 weeks campaign period. Any customer who pays their loan in full enters a draw and has a chance to win in our weekly draws and in the Grand Draw to be held at the end of the campaign period.
Loans on recycled lines.
MTN Uganda, NCBA Uganda, MoKash Debt Collection Agents and Quest Holdings Limited Staff
Customers who will have won in previous weekly draws.
Is this for a limited period?
This campaign will run for a limited period of time. It is scheduled to run for 8 weeks from 17th May 2021 to 11th July 2021, with a Grand Draw scheduled for Friday 16th July 2021.
What exciting rewards are up for grabs?
UGX 1M per person to be won by 10 lucky winners every week
UGX 5M per person to be won by 3 grand draw winners at the end of the 8 weeks campaign.
For customers whose limits were reduced to zero (0), loan limits will be reinstated to a maximum limit determined by the bank.
Winnings shall be deposited in the winners’ MoKash Savings accounts
How much should a customer pay to qualify for the campaign?
A customer should settle their outstanding MoKash loan balance in FULL. This means that they need to pay the outstanding principal loan amount as well as any outstanding fees.
When will the draw for the winners be done?
Weekly draws shall be done on Fridays not gazetted as public holidays starting with the second Friday after the campaign kicks off.
Where the Friday is a public holiday, the draw will be done on the next working day
How will the winners be notified?
The winners will be contacted via phone call from 0312120000. They will also receive a message from MTNMoKash.
When will the winners receive the prizes?
On Fridays, not gazetted as public holidays starting with the second Friday after the campaign kicks off.
Where the Friday is a public holiday, then the draw will be done on the next working day, and funds will be received on the same day.
Will the amount rewarded be deposited to the customer’s MoKash Savings account or Mobile Money wallet?
The amount will be deposited to the Winners’ MoKash Savings account.
Will there be any charges on moving the money from the MoKash Savings account to the Mobile Money wallet?
No. There are no charges applicable.
How long will it take for the customers’ limit to be reinstated?
MoKash loan limit reinstatement will be done in 48 hours.
How will the customer know when the limit has been reinstated?
The customer will receive the following SMS confirmation.
Y’ello. Thanks for fully repaying your loan. Your New Loan Limit of UGX xxxxxx is now accessible. Always pay your MoKash loans within 30 days.